Identifiers Identifiers are user-defined words used to name objects in VHDL models. We have seen examples of identifiers for input and output signals as well...
A digital system in VHDL consists of a design entity that can contain other entities that are then considered components of the top-level entity. Each...
2. Levels of representation and abstraction A digital system can be represented at different levels of abstraction [1]. This keeps the description and design...
VHDL stands for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description Language. In the mid-1980’s the U.S. Department of Defense and the IEEE sponsored the...
Switching Screen Modes The interrupt used for switching between screen modes, and for all graphics work is interrupt 10h. Subfunction 0 of this interrupt sets...
Increment and Decrement These are two of the most basic and useful instructions in the instruction set. The instruction “inc” adds one to the parameter,...
În acest articol, vă voi arăta cum să construiți un amplificator audio cu integratul LM386. Am construit prezentat numeroase circuite de amplificatoare dar majoritatea...
Bipolar Transistor Basics In the Diode tutorials we saw that simple diodes are made up from two pieces of semiconductor material, either silicon or germanium...
All capacitors have a maximum voltage rating and when selecting a capacitor consideration must be given to the amount of voltage to be applied across...
Dr. John Bardeen(left), Dr. Walter Brattain(right), and Dr. William Shockley(center) discovered the transistor effect and developed the first device in December, 1947, while the three...
Along with the solid-state diode, the point-contact transistor–invented in 1947 at Bell Labs–started the semiconductor revolution and has gone on the become one of the...
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